Adapting to change can be hard, as even beneficial life transitions tend to cause some stress. Throughout a persons life one can expect to experience a significant amount of change. Some of these changes, such as marriages, births, and new jobs, are generally positive, although they may be accompanied by their own unique stressors. Other major life transitions, such as moving, retirement, or entering the “empty nest” phase of life may cause a significant amount of stress. Those who find themselves experiencing difficulty coping with life transitions may find it helpful to speak to a therapist in order to become better able to adjust to changes they cannot control.
Types of Life Transitions
- Marriage or Remarriage
- Divorce
- The Birth of a child/ post partum depression
- Empty Nest Syndrome
- Career Changes
- Midlife Changes/Crisis
- Dealing With The Aging Process
- Caring For Elderly Parents
- Identity/Gender Questions
- Spiritual/Moral Questions
- Death Of A Loved One
- Starting A New Course
- Leaving University
- A Child Leaving School
- Getting A Promotion At Work
- Going To Univeristy
- Living On Your Own For The First Time
Helpful Links For Life Transitions
- - Resources for people looking for information and coping mechanisms for many life transitions.
- - Offers a great article for surviving major life transitions by focusing on 3 main areas which are flexibility, margin and grace.
- PsychologyToday - In-Depth information on coping with difficult situations and life transitions.
Visit Us at Greater Houston Counseling Services
We’re here to offer support whenever you need us. Don’t hesitate to call, text, or book an appointment with one of our knowledgeable therapists for effective therapy at one of our five Greater Houston Counseling Services locations.