Oppositional Defiance


Oppositional Defiance

In children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), there is an ongoing pattern of uncooperative, defiant, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that seriously interferes with the youngster's day to day functioning. Symptoms of ODD may include frequent temper tantrums and excessive arguing with adults.The cause of oppositional defiant disorder is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Signs Of Oppositional Defiance

  • Frequent temper tantrums
  • Excessive arguing with adults
  • Often questioning rules
  • Active defiance and refusal to comply with adult requests and rules
  • Deliberate attempts to annoy or upset people
  • Blaming others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior
  • Often being touchy or easily annoyed by others
  • Frequent anger and resentment
  • Mean and hateful talking when upset
  • Spiteful attitude and revenge seeking

"Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened."

~ Dr. Seuss

Helpful Links For Oppositional Defiance

  • The Incredible Years - Research-based programs, proven effective in reducing children's aggression and behavior problems, while increasing social competence at home and at school.
  • VeryWell.com - A variety of useful resources to help parents and caretakers understand and cope with a child's disruptive behavior.
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder - Even the best-behaved children can be difficult and challenging at times. Teens are often moody and argumentative. But if your child or teen has a persistent pattern of tantrums, arguing and angry or disruptive behaviors toward you and other authority figures, he or she may have oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

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