Development Disorders

Childhood disorders, often labeled as developmental disorders or learning disorders, most often occur and are diagnosed when the child is of school-age. Although some adults may also relate to some of the symptoms of these disorders, typically the disorder's symptoms need to have first appeared at some point in the person's childhood.

Signs Of Development Disorders

  • A typical or inappropriate social behavior
  • Difficulty with transitions
  • Increased or decreased sensitivities to taste, sight, sound, smell and/or touch
  • Poorly developed speech and language comprehension skills
  • Perseverative (repetitive or ritualistic) behaviors (i.e., opening and closing doors repeatedly or switching a light on and off )
  • Uneven skill development (motor, sensory, visual-spatial organizational, cognitive, social, academic, behavioral)
  • Deficits in nonverbal and/or verbal communication

"Everything that you do or don't do comes down to confidence. Always believe in yourself even when it's not easy."

~ Unknown

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